109 Reliquaries

Vilnius, 3rd q. of the 18th c.

Inside the rococo reliquaries, there are fragile compositions made of cut paper, glass and cloth intended to adorn the relics. Carmelite symbols appear on every container – a heart, a star and a mountain with a cross. The latter two motifs make up the emblem of the Discalced Carmelites – Mount Carmel with a cross and three stars symbolising the Blessed Virgin Mary and the prophets Elijah and Elisha. In the tradition of the Discalced Carmelites, the heart motif stands for the vision of St Teresa of Avila, where a seraph appeared to her and pierced the mystic’s heart with a golden arrow, filling it with the love of God. The nuns of St Joseph’s Convent in Vilnius might have decorated these reliquaries themselves. Discalced Carmelites were known for similar artistic endeavours using paper, silk, wax flowers, fruit and cutwork.